At the Laundry Cleaning Centre, we separate clothes made up of silk, wool, taffeta, velvet, acetate and fabric blends that include rayon, silk and wool as well as garments made from leather and suede. We wash them through dry cleaning. You must wonder; what is dry cleaning and why do my clothes need it?
Well, let us answer that question for you. In dry cleaning, a solvent that is lighter than water is used which makes it easier for all parts of your clothes to be reached. This is a more delicate way of cleaning clothes that are flimsy or those that cannot withstand traditional washing. Dry cleaning also gets rid of bad smell. If it has been hot outside and you have been sweating, it is better to dry clean than to clean with water. Dry cleaning does not affect the fabric of your clothes even after cleaning it often, but traditional cleaning might make certain cloth loose or lose their original health. In other words, it improves the longevity of your clothes. It also removes stain and preserves delicate fabric.
Not only clothes, but you do not have to worry about rugs, and carpets anymore. With our Laundryman App you can book our dry-cleaning service. There will be no need for you to carry these big and heavy things anymore. Our service includes the pickup and delivery! At any time that is convenient for you, we will be at your doorstep relieving you of cleaning. On top of that, you do not have to worry about money since our dry-cleaning services are very affordable! No hidden delivery fees or extra charges because of where you live or for any other. At the Laundry Cleaning Centre, we take into consideration our customers’ financial situation and based on our years of experience, we have accommodated the prices for our services so that we do not become a burden on our customers. Your comfort is our number one priority.
On our app, we have also categorized the items that will be dry-cleaned and their different prices for transparency and so that you can choose whichever one to your liking. Our customer helpline is always available in case you have any other inquiries. You will also find the phone numbers of our offices based in London and Manchester as well as our email. You can contact us on wherever you feel more comfortable. You can trust us with your clothes. After all, we are the best online laundry service in the many areas!